I hated running most of my life. Then at 37 years old I made some big life changes and listened to an audio book where a man told the story of how he ran 100 miles. I thought it must be a lie. After finding out people do indeed run 100 miles I decided I wanted to do that. Only problem was my first race was one mile and it took me about 14 minutes to complete and I was dead. Fast forward a year later and I completed my first 100 mile ultramarathon in just over 28 hours. "Run into Joy" is a forum for me to share my experience, strength and hope. How I've overcome challenges and the battles I still face today with the hopes that this site may bring some hope or inspiration to those struggling, whether is be depression, addiction, physical impairments, PTSD or just life's everyday challenges. Several authors have inspired me and I hope this page will inspire even one person.